Imagine a Bird

Welcome! Imagine a Bird shares the works of Kim Adonna and guests. From written lyric essays to spoken poetry and amateur photography, the hope is that you will find a soft-landing space here.
Getting underway in 2023, Imagine a Bird will take all the time needed to find a flow. Some probable subject spottings may include: the imperfect and non-linear journey towards healing and self-acceptance; the elusive concept of home; and the Crone’s perspective.
Thank you for being here.
Kim Adonna writes and reads on various screens but feels most at home with paper, pencils with good erasers, and books she can touch and smell. She takes a stab at cellphone photography in deep nature and in cities, atop boulders overlooking valleys, beneath mushrooms’ gills on a forest floor, behind the art and machinery of humanity…
Kim is the author of Quiver: spoken words returned to the page (Read or Green Books, 2023). Her poetry has also been published in We’Moon, Malpaís Review, BOMBFIRE, and Fixed and Free Poetry Quarterly. Kim’s spoken prose has gained audience accolades at DimeStories open mics and showcases.
An adoring fan of zines, she also self-published Yes, With Mayo; Toil (issues 1 through 4); and Clot: Moving on when you can’t get up. Two erotica zines have also been in small circulation: Superhero Huge and I Would Lay You Down and Give You Everything.
Kim works as a speech-language pathologist in Northern California, but dreams of someday returning to the once-Queen-owned, mute swans of the lively East London canals.